Friday, September 7, 2007

Another thing they don’t put on the brochure

My girth has now reached a point where getting out of bed is like trying to get up after some bastard has strapped an entire load of wet laundry to your person. Ungainly, frustrating and exhausting.

After getting up to pee twice on Thursday night, I woke up again at 3am to pee yet again. At this point, even the thought of getting up was making me tired. So I lay in bed thinking to myself ‘Sooo… how much faith do I really have in all those pelvic floor exercises I have been doing? ON the domestic sins list, just how high is peeing yourself because it’s too hard to get up?’

The next day, Paul’s response to this was ‘If the choice is between being woken up to get you out of bed, or peeing yourself, just wake me up’. He left off ‘stupid woman’ but I am pretty sure it was in the version in his brain..

Good to know. He might yet regret that.

P.S. Kudos to Dr Ganter for suggesting flight socks for the leg cramps. Works a treat!

1 comment:

alison said...

perhaps you guys need a chamber pot?