Monday, August 27, 2007

Baby Sleeping Bag

Sleeping bag
Originally uploaded by Kim (GGS)
Everyone I talked to thought these were a great idea but I totally freaked when discovering grobags and similar retail for about $60 - $80! And on further investigation, they are not anything extra specially safe - cotton or cotton blend, not treated with fire retartant or similar (which is probably a good thing).

So, despite my morbid fear of sewing stretch I purchased McCalls 4236 for a measly $13 + $8 woth of material and in 1 hour (including cutting time and getting over my fear of sewing stretch) pulled this together. It turned out very well, probably not as beautifully finished as the fancy store bought ones but much more affordable for the small amount of time they get used! This may be my new baby present staple!

1 comment:

djbebe said...

Sewing stretch not that bad after all?